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5 Bedroom Decorating Mistakes You Can Avoid

5 Bedroom Decorating Mistakes You Can Avoid

We’ve all been there—you take a step back after spending hours (or days) decorating your bedroom, only to feel that something just doesn’t look right. You may even feel frustrated with all the money you spent on purchases that aren’t working out as you had hoped.

This probably sounds like a nightmare you’d like to avoid, and thankfully, you can. With a bit of planning and guidance, you can successfully avoid some of the most common bedroom decorating mistakes. If you’re unsure what they are, read through this list of personal tips to help keep you from making the same errors.

Cluttered Dressers

While dressers serve a great functional purpose, they can also turn into hotspots of clutter if left unchecked. An error people often make here is using their dresser tops as a catch-all for items such as jewelry, photos, knick-knacks, and toiletries.

To combat this issue, strive for the middle ground between storage and decoration. A well-organized dresser top benefits from just a few decorative items, leaving the rest of the space clear and streamlined. If you just can’t part with some of your items, try to find an inexpensive dresser for sale to replace your small, out-of-date one. A larger top will provide more room for items, but it’s still important to strive to create a clean space.

Poor Lighting Choices

Lighting is a crucial element when decorating a bedroom, as it can dramatically affect the room’s atmosphere. Many bedroom decorators make the mistake of only using an overhead light, leading to harsh and unflattering shadows.

To fix this, try incorporating a blend of light sources, including floor lamps, table lamps, and even LED string lights. This change will create multiple points of illumination, allowing you to control the mood and ambiance of the space.

Too Much Oversized Furniture

Over-furnishing the bedroom is another common decorating mistake you should avoid because it can make the room feel cramped and chaotic. It’s important to remember that each piece of furniture should serve a specific need and fit proportionately to the room’s size.

Before purchasing a piece of furniture, make sure to measure the space available in the room and compare it against the dimensions of the item. Measuring will give you a clear idea of whether the furniture will fit comfortably in the room or overpower it.

Ignoring Functionality

Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in matching bedroom decorations to the desired aesthetic, leaving functionality to fall by the wayside. For example, bed placement is an area where many people go wrong. A bed placed against a window can be drafty, while one placed against a wall may make it difficult to make the bed properly. As a rule of thumb, consider practicality in tandem with your aesthetic choices. That way, your bedroom will be a space that’s both beautiful and functional.

Neglecting the Walls

Finally, you should make sure not to neglect the walls. Empty walls can make a bedroom feel unfinished and impersonal. However, it’s possible to go overboard with excessive or poorly arranged wall decorations that make your room appear too chaotic.

You need to find a balance between blank walls and overcrowded displays. You can showcase favorite pieces of artwork, store books on floating shelves, or add touches of greenery through hanging plants.

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